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December 26, 2012

Questioning the HEART

Pada sebuah malam, di hampir penghujung tahun 2012. Saya sedang mendekam di kamar. Tercenung di depan laptop dan beberapa buku latihan tes bahasa inggris di samping kanan-kiri.

Pukul 11 PM pas.

Habis keluar beli makan malam di warung Padang. Telat makan karena pulang dari kantor jam 7, sesampai di kos langsung tertidur sampai pukul 9. Bangun-bangun kaget, lihat jam, buka jendela kamar dan melakukan kegiatan mengecek tanda-tanda alam akibat “apakah aku tidur terlalu lama?, apakah ini sudah pagi?”. Ini pasti saya sedang kedapatan the power nap. Kondisi badan dan pikiran mendapatkan istirahat yang berkualitas meski sebentar.

Saya menginvite pin-nya kembali. Tidak ingin bercengkrama, namun bukankah Wahai Pria, itu sebuah kode yang maha-pertanda?. Saya yang ingin disapa, sebagai reward karena saya menurunkan ego dan menginvite pin anda duluan. “Siapa duluan” masih menjadi ukuran gengsinya siapa yang berhasil ditaklukkan di antara saya dan dia. Meski siapa menang, siapa kalah sesudahnya malah menjadi bias.


Adalah seorang Ben. Lelaki yang sedang kuliah di NZ (entah mengambil jurusan apa), memiliki spouse di Jakarta, dan saya jatuh cinta kepadanya-kepada tulisan-tulisannya di sebuah lini maya. Pertama kali (blognya) dikenalkan kepada saya oleh seorang teman, yang temannya adalah teman dekat spouse-nya Ben. Saya kemudian seperti abegeh yang sedang labil, mencetak beberapa tulisannya dan gambar yang dipostingnya (FYI, Ben suka sekali dengan fotografi, and I don't understand what he's been implied in his pictures, mostly when I saw some absurd captures without caption). Malam kemarin, saya nekat untuk menyapanya di twiterland, gak penting-penting amat sih karena saya masih menjaga kemungkinan-kemungkinan memalukan (misalnya dicuekin haha). No hopes inside, dibales ya seneng, gak juga gakpapa. Tapi biasanya justru yang bringing no hopes malah mendapat kesempatan yang banyak, in any circumstances, in any occasions, and has anyone noticed this term by the way?.

December 19, 2012

Food for your food's thought

I've decided to make couple changes in my life, preferably into my health, my body. My fellow already got an issue in his health, I guess diabetes (?). He always feeling dizzy and gain uncontrollable of total weight. As he is still young and productive, so I sum of missed mistakes in his previous life, and may be what and when he had been eaten. Such a sad..., a young, and energetic life can be destroyed by the wrong chosen food.

So I try to make simply thing about my food. I used to grab some bread/cassava/fruits and cheese to bring my morning, sometimes milk. And along the day, drinking water is a must to do. Lunch is the hard way, as I'm Indonesian, eat rice is a thing to un-refrained. But I know, rice contains much of sugars, hence I eat small rice (deep inside, I feel so guilty). When the night is coming, usually I do my dinner after working hours about 7 pm with an easy cook made by myself in my house kitchen. I avoid to take rice, as the return I take some fruits with yogurt or sometimes a bowl of soup.

December 16, 2012


Gue gak pernah yang namanya accurate kan ya. *ngingetin aja. Contoh paling ter-enggak-diarepin ya sekarang ini nih, tinggal di Jakarta which never been slightly come into my mind. Sampe pada akhirnya detik ini gue terjerumus ke lembah dunia perhip-hopan adalah bukan semata-mata gue melengkapi atribut ke-Jakartaan gue. *apa banget deh. Bukan! Tapi it begins with a long journey aside.

Dulu waktu kecil gue suka banget yang namanya gerakin badan. Itu piala-piala gue di rumah apa namanya coba kalo gak menang dari lomba nari juara mengaji?. *salah passion sejak dini. Ini ceritanya pas gue ikut Boys Scouting a.k.a Pramuka, setiap malam terakhir berkemah pasti ada pesta api unggun (ciye pesta api unggun) which is tiap regu nampilin atraksi (iya bok, dulu sebutannya atraksi!, sumpah agak menjijaykan ya?). Sadar gak sadar, gue adalah orang yang selalu berada di garda depan jadi relawan nari. Narilah gue diiringi lagu-lagu yang ngebeat.*ahsek!. Jaman dulu boyband masih si BSB, dan gue kesengsem berat ama tarian-tarian mereka in group. Apalagi teasing si Howie di Quite Playing Games (with my heart). Jadi sejak bocah gue sebenarnya leader nari *yakali.

Passion bersambut

Pas SMA makin menggila deh passion nari gue. Gegara banyak lagi boyband yang narinya ngegemesin (baca: NSync). Karena media yang gak maksimal, gue cuma bisa nari di kelas sambil liat video klip NSync di dvd. Terus suka request lagu Justin Timberlake pas acara-acara di sekolah. Sayangnya, emang belum ada ekskul nari di SMA gue waktu itu, secara SMA gue itu Madrasah. Makanya passion gue tuh kayak terpendam gitu ceritanya. Sempet ikut paduan suara yang selalu perform tiap ada hajatan perpisahan kelas 3, itupun udah seneng banget meski gak nari ya paling gak gue bisa nyanyi (dua-duanya saling bersinggungan kan).

December 12, 2012

Pergi ke Johor Bahru via Changi

Monday morning on December 3, 2012 was my first trip to Johor Bahru, and my second trip passed Changi Airport. It was my first journey to step a walk into Malaysia through south Peninsula, which previously I did visited to capitol Malaysia through KLCC.

And yeah, my first experience having a flight with Singapore Airlines. I know, I take somebody's point that has ever told me about its humane treatment and so the services by its stewardess. Once we found the seat number, stewardess forth and back to offer us the warm towel (its to wipe our face to refreshment isn't it?). Then I smile to stewardess and steward who standby into the rows. Still, Jakarta to Singapore was taken only 1 hour 45 minutes.  Wish I have two hours longer to fly another continental, so I could comfy sitting on the velvet seat longer.

I like when i need to plunge my self into something new, nerd, extreme. Even if you just look into my body, the same can not be said. But here look into my eyes, I dare everything. (haha, my close friend tried to mind me: If you look-alike a small rat, don't disguise have a powerful roar). forget his saying dude!.

The first entering Malaysia through Singapore, we are going to see Check Point and Immigration Authority of Singapore. You need to turn down from the car, bring the passport and queue the line. If your passport is fine, don't need to worry about everything, then go through the coach lines after, ride a car and continue to the next Immigration of Malaysia 5 minutes afar. Me and my team has quite smooth leaved from Singapore. Whereas, me my self have a bit worry which I knew one of my team's passport is going to 4 months expiry.

We arrived to Malaysia Check Point, and we should bring the baggage and stuff we previously brought. It is not recommended if you leave your stuffs into the car. Trouble with car will come after. it is quite easy then, facing the X-Ray into our bags, and then you go downstairs with chop : You are accepted enter Malaysia.

We stayed at Blue Wave Hotel. I don't know how stars it is (and I don't care). But this is quite nice! I though it was family room (?). My room has shared with one of the team. You mind, it has two televisions in bed room, and family room. and so it has a small kitchen, and small dinning room with 4 chairs. The bath room was large (and this is the part I don't care most, while some people give a care). Anyway thanks client!.

We went to Johor Premium Outlet (JPO). Johor was extremely raining.We then have a lunch, have a dinner and have a rest, relaxing head for opening ceremony of WIEF (World Islamic Economic Forum) tomorrow.

Persada Johor, where the WIEF held

Inside the forum

I have no plan for taking a nap in the midst of Fame-people-on-the-stage-were-talking. Seriously? This IS a world forum which were 50 nations representative get along. But my eyes' team was telling me that boring is just in time. I did what not thing to take over the sleepy, listening Si Receiver which contains 4 foreign languages: Arabic, France, Russia. Ok, this was work a while.

After luncheon session, we head off to Legoland. Do you know it? It is a land which is full of Lego and miniature of some famed building Malaysia has so far. Unfortunately we have shock time (only one hour) to go around and explore the land. We need to quick back to hotel to prepare Gala Dinner later on.

Here we go, entering a very super dome measuring 36,000 sq ft. Still have a hole to describe?. I tell you, it fits 3 units of Boeing 737 airplanes, and still have a room to spare! it is now truly super isn't it?.
the lack of this was, the dinner started on 9PM! too late for starving again.

See you in the next post when I have to spend 1 hour in Singapore Immigration about the "case"...

