Try to search for The Things?

May 03, 2012


There was always a story behind the email. The sad and the happiness. Some others rely their live on the email and its colony for work (and put so much care on eschewing the spam and spoiler), for some email probably worthwhile to register an online games.

Indeed, I am one of the people who live behind the email. Everyday, every second in a day. Alert email wasn't just ringing shrilly (I set it to the minimum tone). Somehow, my heart is its opposite, it's beating rise up when sound catches me up and email displayed. The inhale-exhale scene takes the position while the icon of envelopes shown into the task bar of my handled. It was just whispering some words in my ears: breathe...breathe.

I first do assume to my unpleasant logic rather than the opponent when starting to open  the messages one by one. You know, it just prevents me to encounter the up-coming disappointing message suddenly. Whilst, it does not help me much better. The sad news or cynic news is barely come in as they are. Because I have created the aura of negative, then here they came. For the mean time, I do start the positive view in my mind while seeing the message itself. (oh well, it's not that too crucial).

Another day I enrolled to my job, I was realized that handled communicator is an item to have. I bought it, and it was like completely congratulation to me "welcome to your email world". And here I am, with 7000 inbox unread everyday in my handled. My outer life has been distracted to my inbox life. Haha!

Sometimes, too much struck in email world for me is just exhausting. It includes many hopes around. Those are awaiting confirmation meeting, good news from newspaper of publishing article (yes, I was there while being student in university), bad news with miss communication (yes, email just included some of characters, no gesture, no intonation and emoticon even couldn't solved better describing the true message). What's more? the last mentioned was worrying me most. As incident, when you compose an email the clearer you talked the blurrier recipients get. I then completely being sure with one of communication theory I've learned "be effective with minimum words to pursue the point". (sigh)

Mistakes and some urgent tasks is probably distract me with the mean of email actually. I said email runs to surprising machine. it does seemingly fancy, does not it?. Sometimes, it surprises with lot of fun and oh yes, lot of duties with the raises eye brow facial motion. The part of fun for me when I got new friend in cyber world, I and her then hitting email to know each other.

Part of I do in email is composing news to business colleagues. There, it is also getting to detect what kind of person they are. Some of them need to be respected and long text necessity, some others just reply with stingy words (perhaps they were just busy? or it's just the manner), and the rest need the response hit them back immediately (no need excuses in it). Back to my very embarrassing incident since I've just come in to email world, to build my good manner and respect to person (Asian chairman of famed hotel in town), I began just like to jot a letter (you know, with some of prefix Kpd Yth...). so amusing right?, act to be well manner runs to miss-manner.

My humble opinion, communication manners as a social study has to re-generating their discussion to be widespread. Manners to communicate in email and its colony (sms, whatsApp, bbm, beepUs etc) run to the basic theme. I am sure to believe many people do not need the guidelines how to work on them in this era. Somehow, I curious to dig them in as a new discussion topics.

The email and its colony almost generates people to the very limited spoken scope. For some, It drags people to the very to-the-point aim, easier and effective. Thing that fear me up from that era is people become very disclose each other, they are handy with the handled. So predictable story. With the Hi-tech comes up with the human behavior discrepancy.

How about you? Do you live among electronic mails and its colony?. Share me.


What a Wow of Evita Nuh

Oh My God….just found a very young talented fashion blogger in Indonesia. Yes, Indonesia (not Paris, nor Hollywood cameras blitz).  She’ s  an angel, smart, and adorably fashionable.  Forget a moment about Suri Cruise, because we (Indonesian People) have a fashion star born in this country. This is kinda speechless to me to describe Evita when everybody talked about her   many many times before and I’m just having her recently. I do not know, @GNFI should talk about her yet.

I’ve been visiting her blog for several times since founded it. If her blog was an amazing parade, or her show, I have already made a stand-up applause for delivering the incredible shows I’ve watched ever. I thought that she’s 15 old years something that almost the model turned to modeling stage. But I was wrong. She is just turned 13 years old by this year. What an age!. And you people (which called “people-so-last-year-like-me and called “where-have –you-been?-You-don't-know-Evita?) will be more shocking off to know that she made her own clothing line dubbed by “little Nuh”, again, what a Wow!.

Fashion really is not my thing.  I even do not know about fashion, but seeing many-many her photographs was just slapping me around, and like yelling a shout-out:

Evita: “Oh Hey, C’mon! Dress fits in your age, be creative, do not be so bored”.

Me: “Oh Okay Evita, I will follow the leader”, but how?”

Evita: “Dress is not what you wear, but how you wear”

Me: “Ok, Got it. Will be more creative and used to be”.

Ok, end-up the imaginary conversation with Evita. LOL. Still, back then when I was a kid-in her age-I was just playing around to the yard and read some of kids and teens magazine (Bobo, Hoplaa, Mentari Putera Harapan, B&G’s, Keren Beken and so on but no Internet) while she’s now in digital and Hi-tech world. I am not blowing jealousy away in the air, but I am so proud of this little kid with so magnificent “right talented” in this era. What can be more should I say?  She’s freaking awsomeeee...!!  (Ok, is this an Evita syndrome?)

pic form: (Evita's blog)

pic form: (Evita's blog)

pic form: (Evita's blog)
This is one my favos of her style and dress

Indeed, I do not have an idea today so many people in the walk of life distracted of a child. Is it a syndrome?. Begin from Suri Cruise (and yes, the gen is coming from two famous stars), Shiloh (still, the well known celeb), Harper Seven (we do not know her growing up yet sice now she’s just turn to 6 months old), Blue Ivy (with the dramatic blowing news of her born), and coming back to Indonesia: a cute advertising star; Afika.

Again, it is presumably an adorably kids fan syndrome?. Caused by some grow up people felt so bored with their circumstances around them or distraction of these amazing kids were will be questioned more. For both causes I couldn’t disagree anymore. It is related each other. What do you think guys?.

When I was just learning Sociology Science in high-school, thing that I recall is there must be a sphere condition you some people have to the stuck on the track, to re-think of your footsteps, to take a rest a while, to debating your selves, to digging ideas what you are looking for a long years, and so on, and so on. But as you looked more closely, you guys become quite intrigued of many questionable words. You sometimes feel it or just my wrong recall of sociology science memory?.

Anyway, Evita Nuh is still gorgeous young girl ever, she must be a shining star for years ahead, let’s count the time and playing with the ears. Let’s read one of her composes (including her motto):

“Maybe I already said it in my other post (or tweet?) in my family my dad has this motto ‘’ You want it ? Work for it! ‘’ and he is serious about that. Of course our needs totally on my father, but I’m talking about things that they want, not they need. I saw my sisters working their ass of on this project, on that project and many other projects since they were in high school, yes they making their own money. I want that, yes I really want that. I’m so proud that my sisters is not just sitting around burning my father money (not literally… yeah you know what I mean right?) make me more woow-ed because actually they know they can”.

Yes Evita, you can say that again: "You want it? Work for it!".


May 01, 2012

Terdampar di Pusat Rotan Stasiun Cikini

Aku begitu antusias menyambut akhir pekan.  Tak hanya makna libur yang melekat padanya, bagiku akhir pekan bisa menjadi lebih dari sekedar ‘libur’.  Sabtu dan Minggu kupilih untuk menjelajah. Apa saja, asal ada pengalaman yang bisa aku tangkap dan mampu aku ceritakan kembali. Kurasa ini luar biasa menggairahkan daripada hanya ngulet-ngulet gak jelas di atas kasur kamar kos.

Aroma ritual ‘menjelajah’ku seringkali tercium santer jika sudah sampai hari Jumat. Biasanya aku sudah sibuk menyeriusi layar komputer, memicingkan mata lewat google maps, atau kemudian kasak-kusuk di communicator engine dengan tetangga sebelah. Seluruh organ tubuhku sudah mulai merasakan adrenaline naik turun, hanya sekedar membayangkan akan seperti apa jadinya ‘petualangan’ku besok.

Tak sabar rasanya!

Hari Sabtu kemarin aku pergi ke salah satu Jakarta Markets Treasure, pusat hampers dan basket dari rotan yang terletak di bawah Stasiun Cikini. Aku memang berniat membeli tempat bernaung yang nyaman untuk tempat buku-buku dan majalahku yang berserakan di kamar kos. Indeed, aku memang pecinta box dari material apapun.

Setelah browsing  untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang pusat rotan di Jakarta (yang juga bisa ditemui di Jl. Tebet Raya), kurasa Stasiun Cikinilah adalah destinasi yang mudah kudapat dibandingkan Jl.Tebet Raya. Berbekal informasi angkutan yang sudah dijelasin dari mbak-mbak di  kantorku, (ya angkutan di Jakarta memang menjadi musuh utamaku yang wajib diwaspadai dan ditaklukkan) aku berkesimpulan bahwa perjalananku kali ini tidak akan mengalami aral besar. Ohiya, aku juga mengajak serta kawanku untuk bergabung dalam acara ‘penjelajahan’ ini (dan dia tergoda akan rayuanku). Namun kawanku berjanji akan menjumpaiku di Stasiun Cikini.

Nomor angkutan yang sudah kuhafal jauh-jauh hari untuk menuju tempat  yang jamak disebut juga pusat penjual hantaran pernikahan ternyata gak nongol-nongol. Wah  batinku mulai bereaksi “ini nih yang ditunggu-tunggu, aral dan rintangan” *sedikit lebay*.  Akhirnya aku harus mengambil alternatif angkutan lain yang menurut bapak kenek-nya :

“Untuk mencapai  tempat yang kau tuju nak, kamu harus ambil dua kali angkutan, paham kau nak?”.

“Paham Pak”. Jawabku sekenanya dalam hati.

“Tapi jika kau memang berniat naik kereta, kau bisa kuturunkan di Gondangdia, tak harus ke Cikini”.

“oh, okelah Pak”. Jawabku ragu-ragu.

Akhirnya aku dan beberapa penumpang lain yang ingin melanjutkan naik kereta diturunkan sama abang kenek di Stasiun Gondangdia. Aku  yang tak tahu kemana harus naik KRL dan membeli karcis, hanya mengikuti mereka saja. Demi Tuhan, aku sebenarnya ingin berlama-lama menyusuri lantai dasar ini, memotret, mengamati pelan-pelan para pedagang di sini. Tapi karena kondisi belum secure, kuurungkan saja niat ini, mungkin lain kali.

Jadi, inilah kali pertama saya naik KRL Jakarta. And I said wow, I love to come in again some day. Lain kesempatan saya tak akan ragu untuk naik KRL menuju Bogor, dan melanjutkan wisata alam ke Citarik, kawasan Sukabumi (salah satu kawan yang bekerja di adventure mengundang saya untuk ke sana).

Setiba di stasiun Cikini, saya menjumpai kawan yang lebih dulu tiba. Dan kami pun menyusuri lantai dasar Stasiun Cikini untuk segera berburu rotan. Tempat ini benar-benar surga, kalian bisa memilih rotan dengan bentuk apapun dan juga tawarlah sekejam (dan sesopan) mungkin, saya jamin pasti dapat. Disamping saya ada sepasang bule yang sedang mencari-cari rotan untuk tempat bekal piknik. Curi-curi dengar, Mr.Bule  bilang rotan tersebut bagus, dengan harga yang miring (dibandingkan dengan mall). Ya iyalah Mister!.

Lucu-lucu kan rotannya?

Maka sepasang suami-istri bule tersebut akhirnya mendapatkan rotan sesuai dengan harapannya. Aku yang tak sedikitpun hilang antusiasmenya sibuk mencari-cari lagi rotan yang kumaksud. Voila, aku mendapatkan rotan berukuran segi empat yang kira-kira cukup untung menampung 20-an buku. Barang sudah didapat, kami memutuskan untuk makan siang (menjelang sore) di warung Padang yang ada di pojok Pasar Cikini. Oke, awalnya aku ragu untuk masuk karena selain warungnya kurang meyakinkan. Sepertinya akan ada kegerahan tersendiri makan sambil berdesak-desakan dengan orang lain yang duduk disamping kita. Aku abaikan pertanyaan sekelebat itu, langsung masuk saja. Toh nikmat juga, kapan lagi merasakan ini?. Setelah kenyang, aku dan kawanku berpisah arah, aku melanjutkan mencari kopaja menuju Kuningan, dan Ia akan ke Depok naik KRL lagi. We both promises someday take the hols (Sat-Sunday) to go to Sukabumi.

Perjalanan seperti yang aku alami di sini mungkin bagi sebagian orang adalah  lumrah, tapi apa yang aku peroleh melebihi dari kelumrahan itu sendiri. Jakarta, tak harus aku pergi ke mall untuk menghabiskan akhir pekan, tak harus makan di warung franchise Amerika, tak harus menumpang taksi untuk kemana-mana. Masih banyak tempat lain yang terjangkau oleh uang kita untuk bisa dinikmati lebih ‘mewah’ lagi.

Merasakan perjalanan yang sebelumnya kamu tidak tahu ‘bagaimana nanti’ memang harus dinikmati. Tak boleh dikeluhi. Kalau mengeluh saja, hope you’ll find something but nothing kan?. Kurasa seperti itulah jejak kita ke depan nanti. Lupakan keluh kesah, lupakan hasil akhir, tapi nikmatilah perjalananmu, your definitely journey; Life.

