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April 23, 2014

Ceritalah Indonesia di Ambon

"Seperti halnya Matahari, Indonesia ini akan terbit dari Timur."—Ramya Prajna. 

Pergi ke Ambon untuk syuting Ceritalah Indonesia dokumenter ini adalah kali kedua. Beberapa bulan sebelumnya kami datang untuk riset. Syuting dilakukan selama 8 hari. Saya kenyang makan sagu, ikan dan papeda!, dan saya mau datang kesana lagi!

Cerita tentang perjalanan dan pengalaman tim akan segera diposting. Celotehan proses syuting ini bisa dilihat di akun @CeritalahRI.

Commonwealth War Cemetery- Does the scenery similar to Rio de Jeneiro, Brazil?
View from my 7th floor Swissbell

TROTOART- Kind of independent art performance by young Moluccan artist. word derived from sidewalk ("trotoar")

A friend of mine from Malaysia, spotted at Pasar Mardhika

Enigmatic Ambon
Thats ball is called: Papeda. it's sagu. Yes, it can be eaten!

Christina Martha Tiahahu, one of Indonesia woman hero origins from Maluku

Extremely heat. Photo location taken by 10 feet above the sea.

We have the same name "Ca", given by Ambonese to us.

Ambon has a truly breathtaking view. Its culture, people, and history build Athis city as a solid place even in the past Ambon has been tested by chaos and riots.

Traveler (and so addicted) and wanderer

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